
Exam Results 2022-23

School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and learners differently.

Key Stage 2 (KS2)

In 2022-23 we had no learners taking KS2 national curriculum tests.

The school’s progress score in reading is -7.7, in writing is -6.8 and in maths is -7.6
Learners meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 0%
Learners achieving a higher standard in reading, writing and maths: 0%

For more information please visit:

Key Stage 4 (KS4)

Key Stage 4 performance indicators:

  • Progress 8 score: -1.25
  • Attainment 8 score: 8.9
  • Percentage of learners achieving Grade 5 or above in English & maths GCSEs: 4%
  • EBacc average point score: 0.53%
  • Year 11 learner destinations July 2023 – 96% continuing education or entering employment (1 learner / 4% NEET) 
  • Year 13 learner destinations July 2023 – 80% continuing education or entering employment (1 learner / 20% NEET)

For more information please visit:

Key Stage 5 (KS5)

School Performance Table

You can find more information about our school’s performance on the Department for Education website.

Find out more about our school’s Pathway to Employment (P2E) programme.