
What is the intent of Music at Westhaven School? What do we want pupils to learn, achieve and develop?

Our intent in teaching music in EYFS, KS1, KS2, and KS3 is to deliver a progressive curriculum that builds on our students’ awareness of elements of music, the meaning of important vocabulary, and an understanding of how music has changed throughout history. Lessons are consistently structured with a particular genre focus to revisit and develop knowledge whilst promoting performance and experience of using instruments and our voices appropriately. Every performance and progression is celebrated through praise, the Westhaven Dojo reward system, and performance opportunities.

How do the 5 Westhaven values fit into your subject?


Safely Independent 
Our students are encouraged to use all instruments correctly and safely, including electrical devices such as the soundbeam and the keyboard. Students play the instruments independently and in groups in performances and rehearsals.
Confident Communicators 
Through questioning, presentations, and performances, students are encouraged to express personal opinions, discuss and compare features of new genres covered within each topic, and explain musical theory which incorporates new language and understanding. Within their performances, students also communicate confidently with their voices and instruments.
Respectful Citizen
Through the scheme, students experience music from a range of different cultures. A positive appreciation of these is always promoted. Staff deliver each unit with enthusiasm and do not cast negative opinions on any genre of music covered.
Students are encouraged to give opinions on each piece of music that they appraise. We promote that ‘Musical taste’ is similar to food in that there are some types that you adore and others that we are not keen on.
All performances are appreciated by staff and classmates. Positive feedback is always given, but constructive criticism ( how could it be made a bit better) is also encouraged.

Inquisitive Thinker
From the very start in EYFS students are encouraged to be inquisitive, exploring sounds and instruments. Considering how the sounds are made and to make comparisons. As students progress through the scheme they are encouraged to make comparisons between different musical genres and to amend and develop their own performances.

Resilient Learners
Musical theory needs to be revisited to ensure that understanding is developed.( for example Notation and note correspondence on the stave) These new skills take time and practical exploration to learn and develop.
Performances need to be developed and rehearsed. Instrumental skills need to be developed to improve the quality of the performance. Vocals require the learning of lyrics and a focus on pitch, dynamics, and timbre.
Resilience is vital in the development of musical ability.